We’ve got a new look.

After completing some user research and a careful review of the wallet, we’ve done a full redesign for a fresh new approach. The new design is led by publisher branding and has less focus on wallet balance. This has improved the user experience, made it more specialised and adaptable to your publication's specific offering, and made the option to subscribe clearer.

Here's how we've improved it:

Publisher aligned and adaptable

The wallet now looks different depending on your offering, showing the reader clearly what their options are to pay. The publication logo is also prominent, so it's clear to users that it's a part of your site. This aims to improve trust and brand familiarity. Our aim is that Axate should be a recognisable brand, so users are familiar when they move from site to site, but it’s powering what publishers do so that seems like a better emphasis.

A cleaner, clearer, more user-friendly experience 

The wallet is still accessible through the green tab on the publication’s page, but we’ve moved a lot of the information that used to be on the wallet to the account pages. It’s now simpler, clearer and takes up less space on mobile. The colour scheme is brighter, more modern and the layout is more intuitive to understand. We loved the “flip”, with controls on the back of the wallet, but it wasn’t as intuitive as we thought. As with everything Axate, we always listen to the customers. Pricing, spending and the free point are now more clearly proposed. 

Clearer upgrade path to subscription 

It’s now even easier for users to upgrade to a subscription. On publications offering subscriptions alongside casual payments, the wallet now shows you a clear, simple way to upgrade to a subscription. Now, frequent, casual payers can get the best deal possible, and you can improve your payment funnel and increase subscription sign-up rates.